


Sunday, 24th September

12:00 - 19:00(scheduled) : Registrations at the official hotels(Rhino hotel Kyoto and Ark hotel Kyoto)

【Day1】Monday, 25th September

8:00- Registration
9:10-10:10 Opening Remarks/Address
10:10-11:40 Keynote Address
11:40-12:20 Introduction (Community Engagement)
12:20-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:30 Parallel Session
19:00-21:00 Welcome Dinner at The SODOH

【Day2】Tuesday, 26th September

7:00-8:30 1hour Walking Tour (To-ji)
9:00-17:00 Parallel Session
17:15-18:00 Conference Review and Closing Ceremony

Wednesday, 27th September

Optional Tour in Kyoto CANCELLED

Click here for the detailed program
Instructions for Oral Presenters